California SB 1343 Training Requirements:
By January 1, 2021, California employers with at least five employees must provide two training classes: a minimum 1 hour of training on sexual harassment prevention and abusive condition training to all non-supervisory employees and a minimum of 2 hours of training on sexual harassment and abusive conduction training to all employees in a supervisory role. The class title is Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abusive Conduct. State Bill 1343 requires specific sexual harassment prevention information that must be administered by a qualified trainer. Diversity Builder trainers meet or exceed the qualifications mandated by California state government.
Looking for Online California Harassment Training
California Harassment Prevention Trainers
Diversity Builder’s exclusive California-based harassment prevention trainers are available to service all parts of California. As a result, we keep travel expenses at a minimum and offer quality training by people who recognize the importance of prevention training for California workers on SB1343.
California AB1825 SB1343 Sexual Harassment Prevention Classes
Diversity Builders offers three formats for training that are SB1343 compliant. Our courses are interactive online and face-to-face which are facilitated and supported by expert trainers. Our in-person training classes are led by dynamic instructors. The programs are immersive, and transformative, so California workers will be certain about how SB1343 affects them and their work.
Spanish Language Options for facilitating SB1343
We offer our curriculum in Spanish and English. Over 25% of Californians primarily speak Spanish, so to meet the needs of all employees, by having Spanish speaking instructors available to lead the courses. We have additional options to meet you where you are, whether it be in a conference room, in the field, or on the factory floor.
Our bilingual and multilingual trainers speak both English and Spanish languages with native fluency. We have other trainers that are professionally fluent in French, Greek, and Dutch. Diversity Builder offers online compliant harassment prevention training in English and Spanish versions for employees and supervisors.
The Diversity Builder Difference
Our trainers understand that California-based companies are investing in training to support their workers and to promote workplaces free from harassment and abuse. Building a better work environment requires awareness about sexual harassment prevention and rejecting abusive conduct.
Our previous clients say they chose Diversity Builder because we offer engaging content that is individualized to embrace their company’s mission and vision. We design our training programs to be industry relevant and use everyday situations as case studies to identify harassment and offer best practices for prevention. Our classes are conversational in tone and promote open dialogue about complex issues surrounding harassment and abusive conduct.
Diversity Builder trainers create a welcoming environment where we foster a culture of safety and respect. We see this as an opportunity for growth and empowerment of employees to promote positive shifts in organizational culture that enables a harassment free work experience.
Learn more about changes to AB 1825 and training requirements for SB1343
Current California Harassment Training Requirements
In January of 2019 the state of California amended the existing law. The amendment is referred to as SB 1343 and requires employers with five or more employees to supply harassment training classes with an abusive conduct prevention supplement included in the hour.
SB1343 guidelines define an employee for the purposes of training to include:
- full-time hourly and salaried
- part-timers
- seasonal workers
- unpaid and paid interns
- unpaid and paid volunteers
- independent contractors
Supervisors are defined by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) based on duties, if they had the discretion and authority to:
- Hire, transfer, promote, assign, reward, discipline, or discharge other employees, or effectively recommend any of these actions
- Act on the grievances of other employees or to effectively recommend action on grievances
- Direct the claimant’s daily work activities
Management and supervisor level employees are required to take a 2-hour (minimum duration) class about sexual harassment prevention, abusive conduct prevention, and leadership responsibility and liability.
Preventing sexual harassment related to gender identity and gender expression is required and included in the training. Gender identity and expression are protected classes in California.
Training is required for new hires within six months of employment.
The amended AB1825 requires managers and staff to participate in harassment training every two years for companies employing five or more workers. The state laws falls under the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission (DFEH) and build on Federal law from Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The initial deadline for training completion was January 1, 2020, but employers have been given until January 1, 2021 to be compliant with SB1343. Again, this training is required at least every two years and preferred every year.
Compliant online training is an option for both management and non-management employees. Diversity Builder offers onsite or online compliant California sexual harassment prevention training for management and nonsupervisory employees.
California Spanish Harassment Trainers SB 1343
Diversity Builder understands that English is not always a primary language of California workers. We offer online compliant harassment training in English and Spanish versions for employees or supervisors. We also have Spanish speaking trainers who lead group sessions onsite. This can be a viable solution for factory or shift workers who may not have access to a computer. We have bilingual trainers speak both English and Spanish languages fluently. Other trainers are fluent in French, Greek, and Dutch.
Company Requirements for Employees SB 1343
Some of the requirements for compliant training include:
- Realistic examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation
- Trainers should have expertise in the areas of gender and sexual orientation
- Include prevention of abusive conduct in the workplace
The California harassment law specifically states the following:
The training and education required by this section (SB 1343) shall include information and practical guidance regarding the federal and state statutory provisions concerning the prohibition against and the prevention and correction of sexual harassment and the remedies available to victims of sexual harassment in employment. The training and education shall also include practical examples aimed at instructing supervisors in the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation, and shall be presented by trainers or educators with knowledge and expertise in the prevention of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation.
Diversity Builders’ Commitment to Immersive Approach to Harassment Training
Harassment training for our clients extends far beyond compliance. Our trainers offer a custom program focused on actionable inclusive communication strategies designed to create a safe space for employees and managers to work. Included in our program is bystander intervention training where employees are empowered to speak up and are encouraged to be individual contributors to a civil workplace free of harassment, hostility, and bullying. Diversity Build excels at harassment prevention training because we work with employers to meet legal requirements while creating added value by encouraging workplace cultures where employees can thrive and be their authentic selves.
This page is for informational purposes only. Please consult a legal advisor or labor attorney on specific aspects of the law, for your reference the direct link to the the California legislation is included below. We look forward to working with your team, send us a message for more information about our programs and training fees.
See California Department of Fair Employment and Housing at for more information.
Direct access to SB1343