Building Better Workplace Cultures: Diversity Builder, Inc. Training


Founded in 2003, Diversity Builder, Inc. is a national diversity, equity, and inclusion workplace training leader, effecting positive cultural change for the federal government, private sector, and non-profit spaces. Diversity Builder offers instructor-led training, online, individual coaching, and strategic consulting on diversity programs. Diversity Builder’s unique approach to instructor-led training has helped clients successfully develop a lasting culture of inclusion along with reducing the risk of adverse claims or complaints.

Diversity Builder, Inc. is a diverse supplier. Our firm is women-owned, LGBTQI-owned, and is an SBA small business. Diversity Builder has contracted and trained a number of government agencies including the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Housing and Urban Development.  Diversity Builder trainers have held workshops for several police departments including the Akron, St. Martin Parish Sheriff, and Birmingham Police Departments. Diversity Builder has significant training working in the following industries: banking,  law enforcement, food & beverage, construction, automotive, technology, health care, and hospitality.

Diversity Builder denounces racism in all its forms and promotes racial inclusion, justice and equity through our training and consulting programs.

Diversity Builder’s online programs are considered some of the best in eLearning.

Online Diversity Training Topics

Diversity in the Workplace

Understanding Unconscious Bias

Diversity Training and Cultural Competency for Law Enforcement

Collaborating Across Multigenerational Differences

Supporting Gender Identity and Expression at Work

Racial Equity Training

Preventing Harassment and Discrimination (English/Spanish)


Training Content Specialty Areas: Diversity, Inclusion, Sexual Harassment Prevention

  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment
  • California AB 1825 and SB 1343 Sexual Harassment Training
  • Cultural Competency
  • ADA Compliance
  • EEOC Compliance
  • Fostering Effective Communication
  • Effective Managerial Skills and Communication
  • Bystander Intervention Training
  • Collaboration Across Organizational Boundaries
  • Resolving Unconscious Bias
  • Generational Differences in the Workplace
  • Preventing Microaggressions and Resolving Micro-inequities
  • Supplier Diversity Consulting
  • Diversity Management Consulting

Our Diversity and Workplace Trainers and Consultants

The Diversity Builder team trainers emanate from different countries, cultural, educational, and minority backgrounds, equipping them to deliver a cohesive diversity curriculum. We have team trainers authorized to instruct AB 1825 and SB 1343 mandatory harassment training classes in California with the option of facilitating the classes in Spanish. Several of our trainers have earned doctorate or master’s degrees and some have law degrees. Our trainers and consultants have worked with various clients in the areas of diversity and inclusion, harassment and hostile work environment prevention, discrimination prevention, conflict resolution, change management, and team development. Our trainers’ experience in these areas includes numerous class facilitations with publicly traded companies, banking and financial institutions, technology, government entities, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations. Diversity Builder trainers facilitate classes in Spanish, French, English, and Greek.

Results-Focused Workplace Training Using Experiential Learning

Diversity Builder’s immersive training programs utilize an experiential training facilitation approach that raises engagement and active learning. Our proprietary training method incorporates relevant real-life scenarios, case studies, open dialogue, self-assessments, and development plans. Our immersive programs use customized interactive learning exercises to elevate employees from awareness to functional application. Effective communication, inclusion, and leadership activities are designed for concept reinforcement. Learning activities include open discussion, case studies, gamification, blended solutions, self-assessments and evaluation, and role-playing. Relevant learning exercises designed specifically for the department will be developed and included in each course.

Post-Training Consulting and Support

Diversity Builder provides post-training support to our clients. Our trainers and consultants believe that integrating diversity extends beyond the initial training sessions. Initial internal cultural assessment and facilitated training are often the first steps to toward inclusion. Our trainers offer Tools to continue the conversation as well as resources, reference materials to ensure organizations are equipped to continue the process of building an inclusive environment. Incorporating diversity workshops, diversity assessment and development Tools, diversity policies, role models, one-on-one sessions, and other strategies help companies build a thriving diverse workplace and inclusive culture. Our trainers and consultants are available for consulting following the initial training or cultural assessment.