StrengthsFinder Training & Coaching

cliftonstrengths certified trainer list

What is StrengthsFinder training?

StrengthsFinder training provides employees and teams with a clear understanding and self-awareness of their strengths identified in the CliftonStrengths assessment. Training includes Gallup exercises and coursework as well as Diversity Builder’s customized case studies, learning exercises, and handouts.

These classes focus in on each employee’s top strengths and how to use them within their job role to maximize their individual and group performance.

Gallup-certified Trainers and Coaches 

Diversity Builder’s strengths trainers have provided coaching to teams and individuals since 1999. These Gallup-certified trainers have developed strengths team grid tools and handouts which highlight how differing combinations of team strengths work best together and how to pair team members to capitalize on complementary strengths. During workshop, trainers will share how to best harness the strengths within your teams and identify gaps for employee development. Diversity Builder’s trainers have diverse identities and backgrounds to bring unique perspectives to the classroom.

During Clifton Strengths training workshops, trainers share how to best leverage strengths within teams and identify gaps for employee development. Diversity Builder’s trainers have diverse backgrounds and lived experiences to bring additional insights and perspectives to the workshop or coaching series. During Clifton Strengths training workshops, trainers share how to best leverage strengths within teams and identify gaps for employee development. Diversity Builder’s trainers and coaches have diverse backgrounds and lived experiences, which provide additional perspectives to the workshop or coaching series.

Download the StrengthsFinder Evaluation Spreadsheet Template

Why Know Your Top 5 Strengths

Using this invaluable assessment tool has the competency to improve individual and team leadership skills to enhance contributor development and group performance. Even across global work locations, team cohesion, bonding, work productivity, and performance can be elevated using the proven StrengthsFinder coaching methods and incorporating test results.

Our trainers have also assimilated the following into our coaching program:

Three Keys to Improving Leadership Results

Maximizing the Top Five Strengths of Leaders

Benefits of CliftonStrengths Assessment & Coaching

Clifton’s StrengthsFinder 2.0 has the ability to enhance team performance, raise self-awareness, and make work more meaningful.

Benefits of StrengthsFinders Testing

Self-Awareness of Employee’s or Leader’s Top Five Strengths

Enhanced Team Building Opportunities

Improve Engagement by Maximizing Individual and Combined Team Strengths

Elevated Meaning in Work Performed

Increased Appreciation of Diverse Viewpoints

Strengthened Workplace Culture

Workplace Culture that Focuses on Community

How do you become a certified coach at Gallup?

To become certified, the trainer must successfully complete the Gallup Global Strengths Coaching Program.

Diversity Builder trainers and coaches have already gone through the training and are certified by Gallup. Becoming a coach or trainer requires significant training from Gallup, with current requirements consisting of completing an accelerated 4.5 day CliftonStrengths course called Gallup’s Global Strengths Coach Program. The program is offered virtually or in-person at a price of $7700.

Having an experienced trainer evaluate the strengths report is essential for optimal team and individual results.

Diversity Builder Leads in Strengths Coaching

Diversity Builder is considered one of the best facilitators of the CliftonStrengths program in the USA. The training team has developed specialized tools for improved partnership and pairings of team members. Using tools in combination with Gallop’s Team Grid helps team members clearly see the strengths within their teams and how to start integrating effective strategies into their work plans. Other team building tools are incorporated into the training based on test results.

Diversity Builder facilitators specialize in

Executive Coaching

Employee Development

Improved Team and Workplace Collaboration

Elevated Team Performance

Better Team Communication using Strengths

Benefits of Strengths Training with Diversity Builder

  • Enhanced Tools
  • Experienced Certified Facilitator
  • Customized Team Tools to Maximize Performance
  • Onsite and Virtual Training Options
  • Trainer-Developed Opposites Strengths Tool
  • One-on-One and Group Sessions
  • Focus on High Performing Inclusive Workplace Culture
  • Blended Training Solutions
  • Action-Driven Programs Focused on Lasting Results

Group Workshops

Diversity Builder trainers customize StrengthsFinder workshops to best meet the needs of the organization or corporation. The facilitators offer 3-hour workshops that include a review of the top five strengths of each employee and what these strengths mean for individual and team performance.  The 4-hour workshop allows more time to discuss strengths, exchange ideas, and often includes the top ten strengths of each employee. The trainer will share how to identify and avoid blind spots of the top strengths. The team will learn to navigate being overly reliant on key strengths and how to build talent into strengths.

Workshop Reviews

“I wanted to thank you for bringing us the Clifton Strengths & Conflict Assessment Training.”

“The workshops were great. The exercises we did were fun & very informative.”

“I personally learned a little more about myself in the workshop. I am familiar with many of my strengths and weaknesses & what makes me tick. However, it’s different when you see it on paper.”

“Things in life happen for a reason & purpose & you brought that to fruition. As a department great things happened in the training.”

“I found it valuable to learn about the strengths of co-workers and how they use them.“

“The training was very engaging. I enjoyed participating in the group and learning other employees’ strengths.”

“I learned how to better apply my strengths in my job.”

Schedule StrengthsFinder Training or Coaching

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Why StrengthsFinder Coaching

Having a coach to administer the assessment and evaluate the strengths report is essential for optimal team and individual results. Having an experienced coach onboard allows each team member to best understand what the results mean, how to maximize them in the workplace, and to answer questions. StrengthsFinder training and coaching can be used for individual employee or group facilitation sessions.

Experienced coaches make all the difference. They have seen what works over the years of facilitating classes and tracking ensuing team performance.

How Diversity Builder Leads in Strengths Coaching

Diversity Builder is considered one of the best facilitators of the 2.0 program in the country. Our team has developed a Strengths Partnership Tool which specifically identifies which partners will work best together based on strengths with an explanation of why. This tool has proven beneficial for many teams including Microsoft Corporation. Using this tool along in combination with Gallop’s Team Grid helps team members clearly see the strengths among teams and who to best partner with for optimal results. Other team building Tools are incorporated into the training based on the team and test results.

Diversity Builder facilitators specialize in

Executive Coaching

Employee Development

Improved Team and Workplace Collaboration

Elevated Team Performance

Better Team Communication using Strengths

StrengthsFinder Test Facilitation

Looking to assess your team’s or employee strengths? Diversity Builder’s facilitator has vast experience in training on interpreting assessment results and teaching teams to use their strengths to achieve the best performance results and raise employee engagement. StrengthsFinder 2.0 is an assessment used to determine which of 34 identified strengths each team member possesses. The assessment has a positive spin to it as it focuses on where the employee excels. Accurate and insightful evaluations of the tests are critical to improving team performance, reducing disruptive conflict, and elevating innovation.

How many questions are on the test?
There are 177 questions on the assessment and the system allows up to 20 seconds to answer each.
How long is the StrengthsFinder Assessment?
On average, most employees complete the test in 10 minutes.

What is the next step after the team takes the test?

Facilitator-led training from an experienced StrengthsFinder trainer guides employees and leadership use the valuable reports to best position their teams and themselves as individuals for success. Diversity Builder’s StrengthsFinder 2.0 trainer is one of the top facilitators in the nation. She is able to assess the strengths of a team and recommend strategies for partnering within a team and building on strengths and areas of improvement.

Taking Strengths Assessments

How do you get started taking the 2.0 assessment? There are two options for StrengthsFinder 2.0 assessments.

First, your employees can use the free assessment included with the purchase of a Gallup book. These books contain access codes that can be used with Gallup online. The benefit of taking the test with the access code is twofold. It is a free assessment and you have a hard copy of one of the strengths books. Gallup has authored books for teachers, salespeople, and leaders. The free access codes offered in with a book purchase offer only your top 5 strengths.

Second, you can purchase the assessment online. The online test ranks all 34 strengths. Currently the price is $50 per employee.

Books with free tests include the following Gallup titles:

  • How Full Is Your Bucket? Authors are Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton (Gallup)
  • Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow (Gallop) by authors Tom Rath and Barry Conchie (Gallup)
  • Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents and Those of the People You Manage by authors Marcus Buckingham and Donald O Clifton (Gallup)
  • Discover Your Sales Strengths: How the World’s Greatest Salespeople Develop Winning Careers by authors Benson Smith and Tony Rutigliano (Gallup)
  • StrengthsFinder 2.0 from Gallup (CliftonStrengths)
  • Teach With Your Strengths: How Great Teachers Inspire Their Students by authors Rosanne Liesveld JoAnn Miller,  and Jennifer Robison (Gallup)
  • Living Your Strengths by authors  Albert L. Winseman   Donald O. Clifton  Curt Liesveld (Gallup)

If purchasing these books online, be sure to ask the access code is available or has expired or been used. Sometimes codes can be expired. Be cautious when purchasing used books.

strengths coach list gallup

Nadine (she/her)

CliftonStrengths Trainer in Tennessee

Chance (he/him)

Virginia Cliftonstrengths coach

Krystal (she/her)