Basics of Emotional Intelligence
Definition: Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capacity to recognize and understand one’s own emotions.
Emotional Quotient (EQ) is often confused or used in place of EI. EQ is actually a means to measure knowledge about emotions and how well we manage emotions.
By learning about individual emotions and responses, the skill of empathy is developed to connect the individual experience to the group. Being able to empathize with another person within the workplace creates better channels of communication and has been shown to increase positive working relationships. EI training teaches employees to use information about emotions to think about their behaviors and actions within the workplace, to better manage their responses to various situations.
Training Program Options
EI training is impactful due to the ability to learn how to increase emotional intelligence. Additionally, one can grow their EI in a session and build upon that information during following trainings.
Diversity Builder offers 4 key topics related to EI
Emotional Intelligence Training Topics
- Emotional Intelligence and Communication
- Emotional Intelligence and Unconscious Bias
- Increasing Emotional Intelligence
- Using Emotional Intelligence in Human Resources.
We have coaches for those who prefer one on one training to become more aware of emotional intelligence and its purpose in the workplace.
Results of Emotional Intelligence Training
Within the workplace, increasing awareness about EI leads to higher wellness outcomes for participants. The goal of EI training is to promote healthy responses to emotional stressors and learn how empathy promotes group synergy.
A Diversity Builder participant in the Emotional Intelligence training responded in a follow-up survey, writing, “I wish I had learned about EI sooner. Understanding emotions in the workplace made me realize how certain events at work are triggered by emotional responses to stress. I learned how to be empathetic to others’ situations and to unpack my own emotions to promote a better work environment. Personally, learning my EI quotient and strengths within Emotional Intelligence will help me advance my career by being able to navigate other’s personalities and experiences.”
Common Emotional Intelligence Issues at work
Based on Diversity Builder client data, there are
6 Common Emotional Intelligence issues in the workplace:
- Team arguments and unproductive conflict
- Inability to understand how comments may be hurtful to one another
- Barriers to listening and empathizing with different perspectives
- Placing blame on others rather than looking introspectively
- Avoiding conversations that may evoke emotion emotional responses by walking away
- Explosive outbursts at work
Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Investing in employee wellbeing and training for effective communication develops the individual personally and professionally, which can lead to higher productivity. Workplaces that use Diversity Builder EI training program comment how it facilitates better communication in diverse populations. Many people understand sympathy for others, meaning when individuals find themselves in challenging situations, we often send them cards, flowers, and other items that communicate our support. However, teaching empathy is more constructive when relating to others because skill building helps employees actively recognize emotional qualities and responses associated with challenges. The support of empathy comes not from pity, but from understanding difference and diversity.
For example, generational conflict in the workplace can take a toll on workplace interactions due to difference. Emotional intelligence training helps colleagues understand context and empathy in communication. Utilizing empathy, which is understanding another’s position even if it is different than your own, contributes to effective problem solving. There are many outside factors that contribute to workplace behavior and expression of emotions. Learning how to manage and regulate emotional responses promotes a positive work environment.
Diversity Builders’ Emotional Intelligence training includes learning about:
Learning Program Outcomes
- the meaning of emotions and their application
- managing emotional responses in the workplace
- using effective EI communication methods
- the role of EI in productivity, goal setting, and achievement
- Action plan for EI success
The Diversity Builder Difference
At Diversity Builder our trainers customize training experiences for specific industries and organizations. We recognize that not all businesses are alike and needs for training differ. The goal of training is to impact the individuals, management, and corporate culture to increase growth and productivity. The Diversity Builder difference is engaging content designed for your organization and industry facilitated by friendly trainers in a conversational tone. We want training to translate into organizational action and an enriching experience for participants.
Get Started with Emotional Intelligence Training