cultural competence workshop

Looking for online or onsite Diversity & Inclusion training? Our team offers several solutions both eLearning and in-person courses focused on building a positive workplace culture. Our trainers customize each program to meet the needs of each organization and industry. Webinars featuring a live trainer are the next best thing to classes held at your location. Diversity Builder uses the GoToMeeting platform, which is similar to WebEx or Zoom.

Diversity Builder advocates the advancement of diversity, respect for all persons, and the elimination of discrimination. Founded in 2003, Diversity Builder has developed into a prominent diversity training leader, producing high-impact results for companies and organizations across the nation.  Diversity Builder’s unique approach to training has helped our clients successfully develop a lasting culture of diversity and inclusiveness.

Get Started with Diversity & Inclusion Training

    Why Diversity Training – Benefits of Diversity Training

    Companies that incorporate a consistent diversity training program and advocate diversity in the workplace experience valuable benefits such as:

    • Higher employee retention rates
    • Enhanced employee (individual and team) performance and morale
    • Reduced human resource related incidences, charges, and discrimination lawsuits
    • Improved workplace staffing (diversity recruitment)

    Specifically, we structure our diversity and inclusion trainings to derive the following benefits:

    • Improved communication: When communication improves, performance naturally improves.  Enhancing communication related to diversity topics helps build an inclusive environment and welcoming workplace for staff and leadership.
    • Increased understanding: Increased interest and understanding of differences in individuals at work has been shown to improve job satisfaction, performance, and employee retention.
    • Increased group cohesion: When diversity is valued by an organization and its leadership, team members and managers develop stronger mutual respect and a renewed faith in their ability to work together.

    Why Choose Diversity Builder


    Diversity Builder understands that training requests can be urgent. We make every effort to meet tight deadlines. We have trainers located all across the country to accommodate your needs.

    Our Trainers

    The Diversity Builder training team has different cultural, educational, and minority backgrounds and delivers a cohesive diversity and inclusion curriculum. Our trainers and consultants have worked with various clients in the areas of diversity & inclusion, unconscious bias, multicultural awareness, change management, and team development. Our experience in these areas includes numerous class facilitations with publicly traded companies, government entities, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations.

    Adult Learning Techniques

    Unlike lecture-driven training courses, our curriculum is delivered using adult learning principles. It is truly experiential. We believe our training is best received if it is conversational and engaging. Our trainers are consistent in their training and use tools such as group case study, role playing, and other learning activities. The critical source for learning resides in the adults and their personal connections to the topics.

    Post Training Support

    Diversity Builder provides post-training support to our clients. It is our belief that integrating diversity extends beyond the initial training sessions. We offer tools, resources, and support to participants and management. Incorporating diversity workshops, diversity policies, role models, one-on-one sessions, and other strategies can help a company develop a thriving diverse workplace. Our trainers and consultants are available to answer questions from staff or management, as various diversity programs are implemented.